Penn Museum

22nd Annual Goldstone Forum
Me, Myself, and AI: The Psychology of Human Replacement
A talk from Professor Stefano Puntoni, Co-Director of AI at Wharton and Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence and robotics are transforming the economy, enabling the development of many new products and services and triggering a new wave of automation in organizational and production processes. Professor Puntoni will review a research program investigating our relationship with technology in the dawning age of smart machines. Making examples from recently published articles and working papers, he will explore how consumers react to, and think about, autonomous machines and their replacement of human labor.
The talk and Q&A will be held in the Widener Lecture Room. Reception in the Sphinx Gallery to follow the talk. No registration required.
We will be raffling off 3 advanced copies of Professor Puntoni's new book, Decision Driven Analytics, during the reception.
About the Speaker
Stefano Puntoni is the Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and the co-director of “AI at Wharton”, a cross-disciplinary initiative that promotes research and education on artificial intelligence. His research applies behavioral science insights to understand how automation and algorithms affect consumers and society. Stefano teaches on the topics of artificial intelligence, brand management, marketing strategy, and decision making to undergraduates, MBAs, and executives. He has PhD in marketing from London Business School and a graduate degree in statistics and economics from the University of Padova, in his native Italy.
The Goldstone Forum is made possible by Steven F. Goldstone, former chairman of Nabisco Group Holdings and Penn graduate (C '67) in Political Science.