From debates to a love of ramen, this Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major is making the most of his College experience.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Video by Lilly Dupuis
Will Movsovitz, C’21, from Atlanta, Georgia, thought he would pursue a career in medicine, but found he was drawn to the policy debates he enjoyed in high school. Now, working on his major in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE), he enjoys that his classes, like one on environmental ethics, allow him to consider intellectual and practical matters.
Last summer, he interned at Daimler Trucks Asia in Tokyo, where he got to indulge in his love of exploring culture through food and learn how to navigate totally new experiences.
Pathways is a student series from Penn Arts & Sciences that highlights the academic journey of students in the College of Arts & Sciences and the transformational moments that have shaped their intellectual experiences.