PhD in Poilitical Science, Rutgers University (2024)
MA in Teaching, The College of New Jersey (2014)
BA in Political Science & Italian Studies, Rutgers University (2010)
Amy Funck, our newest lecturer, is a political psychologist with expertise in the role of emotions, attachment theory, and cognitive skills in decision-making. Her most recent work investigates how value and belief driven cognition impact a variety of pro-democratic attitudes; the role of issues (vs. partisanship) in down ballot elections; effect size sensitivity to methodological choices in emotions research; and preventing cheating in online political knowledge tests. She brings a rich background in public opinion polling, having worked for Edison Research on the National Election Pool’s exit poll and is currently a research associate for the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling. She was formerly a political content expert and assessment specialist for ETS where she developed the AP US and Comparative Government and Politics exams, as well as statewide content knowledge assessments for teacher certification.
PPE 4600 Advanced Seminar in Political Science: How Voters Decide (Spring 2025)