Double Counting Courses
- You cannot double count courses in the major (completing a PPE major requires 16 distinct credits).
- Up to three courses from the PPE major can count towards a minor.
- PPE does not place any restrictions on double counting towards another major beyond the College requirements, which state "Students who are double majoring must complete 18 unique course units between the two majors."
- As per College policy, no more than one course can count towards both the major and a sector. As of Fall 2022, PPE students will receive credit for their Sector 1 Society requirement upon declaring the major.
Credits in Major
- You may carry a MAXIMUM of two (2) non-College courses in the major.
- Your capstone must be completed in residence.
- See: Pass/fail & Double Counting Courses
- As per College policy, pass/fail courses cannot be counted towards the major.
Increasing Credit Limits
- Students may request an increase to their credit limit from either the PPE Associate Director or their College advisor. The PPE Associate Director, College advisors, and all other advisors retain the right to approve or deny any request for a CU increase regardless of student justification or GPA.
- Requests to accommodate “shopping” will be denied.
Minimum Grades
- PPE has a minimum requirement of a C- for a course to fulfill a PPE requirement.
- If you have a waiver for a PPE common foundation (e.g. ECON 0100 or ECON 0200, you may substitute any other course taught in that discipline to fulfill the common foundation requirement. So, with an ECON 0100 waiver, you can fulfill your ECON 0100 common foundation with any other ECON class.
CPT Visas
PPE can support international students who are majors in the program via CPT courses. For more information on the CPT process generally, please visit the College Office CPT page:
- The CPT student can enroll in their CPT course during the summer of their internship/employment OR in the fall semester immediately following. Normal tuition and fees apply to the summer course.
- You have two options:
1. Enroll in an independent study under the supervision of a Penn faculty member. Normal independent study policies apply, and the student is expected to supply an independent study request form.
2. Enroll in a “content course.” (E.g., a normal College course.) In addition to the normal and expected work of the course, the CPT student must complete an additional paper, presentation, project, etc. directly linking the content of the course to their internship/employment.
- The instructor of record must agree to this ahead of time.
- The CPT-relevant work must be submitted to the PPE office before or on the final day of the semester. - REMEMBER: The following policies apply:
- You CANNOT DROP your CPT course.
- The CPT course MUST be taken for a grade (no P/F).
- The CPT course must fulfill a degree requirement.
- The CPT course must fulfill a major requirement. - In order to proceed with the CPT application process, you must provide the following to the PPE Associate Director:
- A copy of your offer letter from your summer employer
- A completed Independent Study request form OR prior agreement from an instructor of record regarding additional work in a content course
- The CPT Major Form