PJPPE: The Penn Journal of Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PJPPE Website)
The Penn Journal of Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PJPPE), formerly known as SPICE: Student Perspectives on Institutions, Choices & Ethics, is the undergraduate journal of the Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) program. It is published yearly online.
PJPPE accepts submissions from undergraduate students in all majors. Articles submitted will be evaluated for publication based on the decisions of the editorial board - comprised largely of PPE majors - and referees, who are chosen by the editorial board and who must be undergraduates at Penn.
Please send all submissions and inquiries to penn-pjppe@sas.upenn.edu.
PJPPE Editorial Board for 2023-2024
- Editor-in-Chief: Arushi Saxena
- Executive Assistant: Camilla Valente
PJPPE Editorial Board Member Profiles
Submission Policies
Students submitting articles should be enrolled in an undergraduate program at the time of submission.
There should not be more than three co-authors for any submission.
Articles submitted must contain the name(s) of the authors in full, and include contact information for the primary author in the form of email which is expected to be checked regularly in the academic year of submission.
Articles should be written in English, and provided as a text or MS Word file with a minimum of formatting.
Articles should not have been already published, or be sent for publication, in any other journal, magazine, newspaper or outlet on the internet.
However, publication in PJPPE does not preclude the author(s) from submitting their work elsewhere after their work appears in PJPPE. In such a case, authors are expected as a courtesy to mention this fact in future submissions.
Submission of articles to PJPPE constitutes the agreement of the prospective author to be bound by PJPPE rules and regulations, as described on this page.
Editorial Policies
In order to maintain the integrity of the journal and encourage impartiality, authors' names will be removed from the articles after submission and then forwarded to one or more referees who will read and comment on the articles without being aware of the submitter's identity. Upon receiving a recommendation for publication from the referee, the editorial staff will inform and work with the author(s) to implement necessary changes.
Suggested changes will be kept to a minimum; however, the submitter should engage in a good faith policy of implementing the changes in a timely fashion (or allow, whenever appropriate, the editorial staff to do the same) if the article has already gone through a process of review.
The editors of the journal reserve the right to reject an article for reasons that may include, but are not limited to, intellectual content, academic originality, and adherence to the previously mentioned stipulations.
An author, who the editorial board is unable to contact after several attempts, runs the risk of having the article published with necessary changes implemented by the staff of PJPPE. However, no article will be altered substantially without the primary author's written consent, irrespective of circumstances.
Editors of PJPPE reserve the right to alter or modify the protocol described in this page on a case-by-case basis, with the mutual consent of submitters and PJPPE.
All final decisions about publication issues will be made by the academic editor of PJPPE.